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November 23, 2010


Charmn Goldie

This may be stupid but i'd never seen glitter in salt shakers until i saw your blog last month.


I think I've fallen in love with the idea of Glass Glitter - Now I just need to buy some and give it ago!!

Where's me purse!



Love this idea!!!

Ladybug 458

Love, love, love the idea of storing glitter in old/vintage shakers. I actually have some in storage the same way.


i just tweeted this post. i am an antique dealer and have a whole shelf of cut glass shakers that i just could not bear to get rid of.. now i can actually use them!


Oh my I just love your ideas for glass glitter, all I need now is the gliiter and some shakers, Now you have me addicted as I love this vintage feel.

Many thanks Hugs Linda

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