Download your Sample ticket here!
We have thousands and thousands of products in our store some which never get to see the light of day. So, we want you to know that we love to sample!
Need to see what that color really looks like? Not quite sure if those little minis are going to work for you? Just want to have some items to play with? Well, just ask for a free sample!!!
click here to get to our store!
Yep, each time you place an order, we'll give you a sample card, which is good for one for a sample of your choice with your next order! Just for asking! Or, if you can't wait, just click the link above and download the card for easy reference when you are ready to order.
Now, there is a just little fine print, ad here it is:
This ticket is good for one sample of your choice with your next order of $25 or more. To Order Your Sample: During checkout just add a note to the order form comment section with the item you want to sample and the expiration date of the ticket. Or along with your order, send us an email or a call to let us know what sample you would like to try!
So please remember that we love to sample, we just need to know what you would like! So, we are looking forward to your sample requests, just start requesting!!!